Pitta Dosha

Pitta dosha is composed of the elements of fire and water. It has the qualities of being hot, sharp, light, liquid, and mobile. This means that Pitta people want activities that are calming, cooling, softening, and relaxing.

Do’s For Pitta

  • Spend time in the moonlight. The lunar energy is cooling
  • Schedule your deadlines to avoid time pressures. Time crunches produce stress and that is anything but relaxing.
  • Allow some time in each day for fun. This lightens the mood and helps the mind to relax and unwind.
    Favor healthy, mostly cooked foods with a focus on tastes that are sweet, bitter, and astringent. These are the tastes that sooth Pitta.
  • Drink plenty of room temperature water. Cold water in bad for digestion.
  • Spend time in nature, especially near water. Nature helps to balance all of the doshas. The added element of the water helps to calm and cool Pitta.
  • Be in bed with the lights out by 10 pm. At 10 pm, the evening Pitta cycle begins and we can get our second wind and stay awake and productive for hours. It is much better to be asleep by then.
  • Keep physically cool. Keeping physically cool will help you to maintain your mental cool.
    Engage in team activities rather than individual competitions. Competitiveness is sharp and aggravates Pitta.
  • Eat when you are hungry. This helps to keep the digestive fire from overheating the body.

Don’ts For Pitta

  • Spend time under the mid day sun. The mid day sun is too heating. Instead get out early or wait until the moon comes out.
  • Consume coffee and alcohol. These are both heating and tax the liver that already tends to be overheated in a Pitta person.
  • Eat lots of spicy foods. This just builds up heat in the body.
    Drink ice water with meals. Ice water may make you feel cool but it hampers with your digestion and will cause issues later.
  • Take showers that are too hot. Pitta skin is sensitive and overheating it can exacerbate any skin issues.
    Engage in lots of competitive activities.
  • Take hot yoga. There are lots of other styles. Give something else a try. You will be more relaxed when you aren’t adding all of that extra heat
  • Schedule yourself to work 7 days a week. Pitta needs time to relax. Even if you love your job, this doesn’t give you time to relax.
  • Eating salty snacks. Salty taste is actually very heating.