Vata Dosha

Vata dosha is composed of the elements of ether and air. It has the qualities of being light, dry, cold, mobile, and subtle. This means that Vata people want to engage in activities that are heavy, stable, grounding, and warming.

Do’s For Vata

  • Maintain a regular schedule. Vata is irregular by nature and needs regular routines to stay balanced.
  • Perform daily abhyanga (self oil massage), especially in fall and winter when the air is drier. This will help to ground you and keep your skin from getting so dry.
  • Drink warm beverages.
  • Include plenty of healthy fats in your diet (ghee, coconut oil, avocado, …). The will help to nourish and ground you and provide some moisture to the inside of the body.
  • Eat 3 meals a day at regularly scheduled times. Have a snack if you are hungry. Vatas can get busy and forget to eat and this is not healthy for them.
  • Get plenty of rest. Plan on 8 hours of sleep each night, starting at or before 10 pm.
    Favor healthy cooked foods with a focus on tastes that are sweet, sour, and salty. Foods with high moisture content like soups and stews are ideal.
  • Spend time in nature each day. This is very grounding.

Don’ts For Vata

  • Keep an erratic schedule. This will make Vata even more irregular.
  • Skip meals. This will make you spacey and unfocused.
  • Overschedule yourself. This will make sure that you are both overstimulated and exhausted.
  • Drink cold and iced foods and drinks, especially with meals. You are already cold, why not add a little more?
  • Go on raw foods diet. Raw foods will be harder for you to digest.
  • Sign up for a marathon. With all of that running, your small muscles and bones will start to talk to you and they won’t use polite language.
  • Travel frequently, especially by air. You can’t get much more ungrounded that that.
  • Consume coffee or other stimulants. They will make you hyper in the short term but leave you more exhausted over all.
  • Eat on the run. When you don’t take the time to focus on your food, you have a harder time digesting it.